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CS 102 • Ohlone College • Fall 2016
// // mergesort // #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <chrono> using namespace std; string chars = "qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm"; int charsPerString = 8; int stringsPerVector = 20000; char randomChar() { return chars[rand() % chars.size()]; } string makeRandomString() { string s; for (int i=0; i<charsPerString; i++) { s = s + randomChar(); } return s; } vector<string> makeRandomStrings() { vector<string> vs; for (int i=0; i<stringsPerVector; i++) { vs.push_back(makeRandomString()); } return vs; } void printVector (vector<string> &vs) { for (int i=0; i<vs.size(); i++) { cout << vs[i] << endl; } cout << endl; } void bubblesort (vector<string> &vs) { for (int i=0; i<vs.size()-1; i++) { for (int j=0; j<vs.size()-i-1; j++) { if (vs[j] > vs[j+1]) { string swapper = vs[j]; vs[j] = vs[j+1]; vs[j+1] = swapper; } } } } vector<string> merge (vector<string> &a, vector<string> &b) { // create a new deck vector<string> result (a.size() + b.size()); // i -> first deck (a) // j -> second deck (b) int i = 0; int j = 0; // k -> result deck for (int k=0; k<result.size(); k++) { // finished with a and b? if (i >= a.size() && j >= b.size()) { break; } // finished with a? else if (i >= a.size()) { result[k] = b[j++]; } // finished with b? else if (j >= b.size()) { result[k] = a[i++]; } // compare else if (a[i] < b[j]) { result[k] = a[i++]; } else { result[k] = b[j++]; } } return result; } vector<string> partial (vector<string> &vs, long start, long end) { vector<string> result (end-start+1); for (int i=0; i<result.size(); i++) { result[i] = vs[start+i]; } return result; } vector<string> mergeSort(vector<string> &vs) { // check base case for recursion if (vs.size() <= 1) { return vs; } // find midpoint long mid = vs.size() / 2; // divide into two vector<string> lowerHalf = partial (vs, 0, mid-1); vector<string> upperHalf = partial (vs, mid, vs.size()-1); // sort using mergeSort vector<string> lowerSorted = mergeSort(lowerHalf); vector<string> upperSorted = mergeSort(upperHalf); // merge the two halves return merge(lowerSorted, upperSorted); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { vector<string> unsorted = makeRandomStrings(); printVector (unsorted); auto beforeMerge = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); vector<string> sorted = mergeSort(unsorted); auto afterMerge = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto mergeElapsedTime = afterMerge - beforeMerge; printVector (sorted); auto beforeBubble = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); bubblesort (unsorted); auto afterBubble = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto bubbleElapsedTime = afterBubble - beforeBubble; printVector (unsorted); cout << "Merge Sort: " << mergeElapsedTime.count() << endl; cout << "Bubble Sort: " << bubbleElapsedTime.count() << endl; cout << "Improvement factor: " << bubbleElapsedTime / mergeElapsedTime << endl; return 0; }
Toronto,ON,2615060,9.63 Montreal,QC,1649519,6.62 Calgary,AB,1096833,42.8 Ottawa,ON,833391,22.5 Edmonton,AB,812201,31.79 Missasauga,ON,713443,31.06 Winnipeg,MB,663617,7.3 Vancouver,BC,603502,17.41 Brampton,ON,523911,96.31 Hamilton,ON,519949,11.15
The code:
// // main.cpp // Dec5Class // // Created by Mark Brautigam on 12/5/16. // Copyright © 2016 Mark Brautigam. All rights reserved. // #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct City { string name; string province; int population; double delta; }; string baseDir = "/Users/markb/Desktop/"; void split(const string &s, char delim, vector<string> &elems) { //------------------------------------------------------- // This function splits a line into a vector of strings // based on a separating character, such as a comma. // s is the input string // delim is the separating character. // elems is the vector that will hold the output. //------------------------------------------------------- stringstream ss; ss.str(s); string item; elems.clear(); while (getline(ss, item, delim)) { elems.push_back(item); } } void readFileIntoVector (string filepath, vector<City> &vc) { ifstream input; + "canada.csv"); string line; vector<string> fields; City city; while (!input.eof()) { // input >> line; getline(input, line); if (line.length() < 2) continue; split (line, ',', fields); = fields[0]; city.province = fields[1]; city.population = atoi(fields[2].c_str()); = atof (fields[3].c_str()); vc.push_back(city); } return; } void printData(const vector<City> &vc, string fn) { ofstream output; (fn); for (int i=0; i<vc.size(); i++) { output.width(15); output << left << vc[i].name << " "; output.width(5); output << left << vc[i].province << " "; output.width(10); output << right << vc[i].population << " "; output.width(8); output << right << fixed << setprecision(2) << vc[i].delta << " "; output << endl; } output.close(); } bool outOfOrder(const City &a, const City &b, int sortfield) { switch (sortfield) { case 0 : return >; case 1 : return a.province > b.province; case 2 : return a.population > b.population; case 3 : return >; default : return >; } } void bubblesort (vector<City> &vc, int sortfield) { for (int i=0; i<vc.size(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<vc.size()-1; j++) { // if (vc[j].delta > vc[j+1].delta) { if (outOfOrder (vc[j], vc[j+1], sortfield)) { City swap = vc[j]; vc[j] = vc[j+1]; vc[j+1] = swap; } } } } int requestSortfield() { cout << "Choose a field to sort on by number:\n"; cout << "0 : City\n"; cout << "1 : Province\n"; cout << "2 : Population\n"; cout << "3 : Population Change\n"; cout << "Your choice: "; int user; cin >> user; return user; } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { vector<City> cities; readFileIntoVector (baseDir + "canada.csv", cities); int sortfield = requestSortfield(); bubblesort (cities, sortfield); string outputFileName = baseDir + "canada-sorted-" + to_string(sortfield) + ".txt"; printData(cities, outputFileName); return 0; }
1,Dublin,Dublin,1273069,1380.8,Leinster,7.02 2,Antrim,Ballymena,618108,202.9,Ulster,1.80 3,Down,Downpatrick,531665,215.6,Ulster,8.72 4,Cork,Cork,519032,69.0,Munster,7.84 5,Galway,Galway,250541,40.7,Connacht,8.15 6,Londonderry,Coleraine,247132,119.1,Ulster,4.78 7,Kildare,Naas,210312,124.1,Leinster,12.87 8,Limerick,Limerick,191809,69.4,Munster,4.21 9,Meath,Navan,184135,78.6,Leinster,13.08 10,Tyrone,Omagh,177986,54.5,Ulster,8.37 11,Armagh,Armagh,174792,131.8,Ulster,7.26 12,Donegal,Lifford,161137,32.9,Ulster,9.42 13,Tipperary,Nenagh,158754,36.8,Munster,6.37 14,Kerry,Tralee,145502,30.1,Munster,4.05 15,Wexford,Wexford,145320,61.2,Leinster,10.30 16,Wicklow,Wicklow,136640,67.4,Leinster,8.28 17,Mayo,Castlebar,130638,23.3,Connacht,5.49 18,Louth,Dundalk,122897,148.7,Leinster,10.45 19,Clare,Ennis,117196,33.8,Munster,5.63 20,Waterford,Dungarvan,113795,61.2,Munster,5.40 21,Kilkenny,Kilkenny,95419,46.0,Leinster,8.98 22,Westmeath,Mullingar,86164,46.7,Leinster,8.59 23,Laois,Portlaoise,80559,46.8,Leinster,20.13 24,Offaly,Tullamore,76687,38.3,Leinster,8.21 25,Cavan,Cavan,73183,37.7,Ulster,14.34 26,Sligo,Sligo,65393,35.5,Connacht,7.39 27,Roscommon,Roscommon,64065,25.0,Connacht,9.01 28,Fermanagh,Enniskillen,61170,36.1,Ulster,6.33 29,Monaghan,Monaghan,60483,46.7,Ulster,8.01 30,Carlow,Carlow,54612,60.8,Leinster,8.47 31,Longford,Longford,39000,35.7,Leinster,13.40 32,Leitrim,Carrick-on-Shannon,31796,19.9,Connacht,9.84